Showing posts with label performer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label performer. Show all posts

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Jar Jar Binks, or Kathy Griffin, Exploits LGBTQ

Kathy Griffin should be on anti psychotic meds in a mental institution, or jail; her beloved Ma, in her strictly haus frau Maglet, beside her. Hmm...I suppose I'd have good reason to take up such a harsh attitude when Griffin has intentionally gone out of her way to exploit me, a total and complete stranger, for absolutely no reason, other than a false sense of popularity, which apparently equals a most temporary sense of security and of course, monetary success for her.

Griffin's known objective was to illegally surveill, or twotch me in the toilet and bedroom. She then thought to preserve non-existent footage for a later date and on that date she was to attempt to humiliate me, (again a TOTAL and COMPLETE STRANGER) and here's the fuck bitch, right? MEMBER of the LGBTQ COMMUNITY! A community that she takes full on PR advantage of.

'Kathy Griffin'

Are you unfamiliar with Kathy Griffin's (in)sincere interest in the GAY MALE community? Well, then you know nothing of her career and reputation. Griffin is clearly not an equal supporter of those she perceives as DYKE, or in my case TGM (TRANSGENDER MALE).

Though the O'Dwaddle, the Dyke of all Dykes, is a 'friend,' Griffin seems awkwardly reluctant when it comes to promoting lesbians, dykes and transgender people. Is she only interested in 'doing' gay guys? What kind of fuck wit psychology is that for a pronounced straight girl from the mid west?

'Kathy Griffin's Evil Twin, Jar Jar Binks'

I am not a celebrity, nor do I care to be. For whatever reason, Griffin has chosen to obsess over seemingly what she perceives to be my every move; the reverse of a celebrity stalker.

Publicly insistent that I quote un quote, 'NEED A BRA,' Griffin has outed herself as the ultimate self loathing, insecure little 'tween twot from Oak Park, Illinois. Clearly the product of arrested development, Griffin is so severely learning disabled that every day things that I take for granted such as decency and common sense are totally foreign to her.

I am a writer, artist and proud member of the global transgender community; however, I cannot imagine arriving at the tender young age of 54 and being so dumb obvious about your association with criminal activity and your blatant disregard for constitutional and civil law and ignoring Miranda Rights in favour of publicly using and abusing and out right lying about the private lives of perfect strangers. At the same time Griffin relies on abusing the aforementioned laws, rights and documents to sustain an otherwise barely sustainable career.

Being blatantly disrespectful of human rights and private lives and going out of your way to dare attempt to piss on them is never mistaken for being 'bold,' or 'ballsy.' It's fucking cowardice and it will not be tolerated.

'Jar Jar Binks'

Griffin has based her career on celebrity gossip, rumours and exaggerating already existent lies. KATHY GRIFFIN ADVOCATES EVERY DEBAUCHEROUS ACT KNOWN TO HUMANITY INCLUDING SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND YES, RAPE.

I am a private citizen and Griffin has taken it upon herself to shamelessly exploit me and various individuals that I care for. She is and has been aware of the amount of criminal activity that has taken place in terms of illegal gambling, attempts at illegal trading, welfare and insurance fraud schemes that amount to murder. She has done nothing but take advantage and exploit it for her own specific gain.

Griffin takes advantage of the above mentioned laws and documents to support her comedy routines and concerts, but quickly leaves the scene when inconvenient for her. Griffin is just another shameless publicity whore and greedy opportunist who uses the LGBTQ community at her leisure. It is all too common place for a fading star to attach his, or her name to a cause, or charity they find trendy so they might keep their otherwise forgotten names in the headlines. If talent does not work, controversy often does.
'Missus Kathy'

Kathy Griffin's Bravo TV effort, "My Life on the D List" benefited greatly from ignoring constitutional and civil law and Miranda Rights. Griffin is not in any way strong enough to pull off her 'balls of steel' persona. She is like a child who when reprimanded bursts into tears and says she's sorry for her destructive personality. Well, her bullshit lasted all of 15 minutes and I believe that more and more of her fans are turned on to and turned off by the fact she's here today, gone tomorrow.